The Struggle is the third installment in the Kentucky Brothers
series by Wanda Brunstetter, and follows the story of Timothy Fisher and his
wife, Hannah, as they pack up and leave their home in Paradise, Pennyslvania,
and move to Christian County, Kentucky.
From the start, Hannah is against the move and fights
Timothy all the way – verbally, as well as emotionally. As we witnessed in Book 2 of this series,
Hannah is very close to her mother, to the point of spending all her time at
her home, instead of in her own home, leaving Timothy to feel that he has no
choice to save his struggling marriage, but to pick up and move away,
separating his wife and mother in law.
There are several “mini” struggles occurring in the
storyline, but by far, the major struggles in this book revolve around Hannah,
first as she tries to adjust to her new home; later as she struggles to find
forgiveness in the face of tragedy – forgiveness for her husband, and
ultimately, for herself.
All in all, a very engaging read.
*This book was provided to me by the publisher via Netgalley
for an honest review. I was not required to provide a positive review.